• Статья

    1Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia (mpk46@mail.ru)
    2Ural State Forestry University, Ekaterinburg, Russia «Imagination is more important than knowledge.
    Knowledge is limited while the imagination embraces
    the whole world, stimulating progress,
    giving rise to evolution».
    A. Einstein
    Abstract. There are two stages in the process of low-temperature nuclear fusion.
    The first stage corresponds to the bringing together of nuclei due to attraction to
    the negative charge in the internuclear space. This charge is formed by massive
    electron pairs located in a circular orbit. According to hadronic mechanics, the
    attraction of electrons (with opposite spins) is ensured by contact interaction. The
    second stage corresponds to the exchange of nuclei by pions, which begins when
    the nuclei approach each other to a distance equal to the strong interaction radius
    . To estimate the maximum value of

    , the concepts of hadron mechanics
    about the π
    - meson as a bound electron – positron (ee
    ) – pair are used. The main
    attention is paid to the visual interpretation of the electromagnetic interaction (ee
    ) – pairs with nuclei, promoting the attraction of nuclei.


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