Marianne Macy, Отчет по эксперименту С. Цветкова с титаном и дейтерием в Германии
Report of Excess Heat and Neutrons from Russian Experiments
Sergei Tcvetkov Work in Nurnberg Shows Encouraging Results with Titanium and Deuterium
Marianne Macy*
статьяИз интервью Сергея Цветкова:
“Right now with my protocol I can give you exact figures. Here are the results of my measurements. This protocol reflects the latest experimental results. The figures reflected are the most recent. The excess heat, the calculated excess heat, is deuterated titanium at 573 degrees, the sum of COP is 1.789 Joules, or 1 degree per gram…131 Kj…For the time of 190 seconds this amounts to 695 Watts. The extended power for the heating of the sample is calculated at 153 W. That means that the excess power coefficient is 224. This is the data coming from one of the experiments.”Опубликовано