• Статья
    International Journal of Materials Science
    ISSN 0973-4589 Volume 12, Number 3
    (2017), pp. 405-409
    © Research India Publications
    Hydrogen Transmutation of Nickel in Glow Discharge
    Vladimir K. Nevolin
    National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET),
    Moscow, Russia.
    Background: The possibility of the existence of subatomic hydrogen states
    was theoretically predicted previously. Objectives: Prove that the
    transmutation of elements is possible in specially prepared conditions for
    hydrogen. Methodology:
    By comparing the mass spectra of deposits on silicon substrates and target electrodes, it is shown that a change in the composition is observed in a magnetron Argon. Results:
    An increase in the concentration of the nickel isotope Ni62 28 and a decrease
    in the isotope concentration Ni6028 are shown. Conclusion: These results confirm the results obtained earlier in the heat generator Rossi, who worked more than a year, found an increase in the isotope Ni62 28 due to a decrease in the proportion of
    other isotopes.


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