Карабут Александр Борисович - один из ведущих в России исследователей Холодной Трансмутации Ядер
Карабут Александр Борисович (1945-2015), к.ф.-м.н, снс НПО «Луч»
Лауреат Государственной премии СССР за 1982г.,
Лауреат Международной премии ХТЯ им. Дж. Препарата за 2007г.,
Член Редколлегий (16-21) Российских Конференций по Холодной Трансмутации Ядер (Дагомыс-2009-2014, Криница-2011,2012, Лоо-2013),
Член Межведомственного Координационного Совета по проблеме «Холодный Ядерный Синтез» при Вице Президенте РАН (1996-2004);
Член Координационного Совета по проблеме «Холодной Трансмутации Ядер» при Российском Физическом Обществе (2004-2012).Статьи и доклады.
Karabut A. B., Karabut E. A. Experimental results on Excess Heat Power, Impurity Nuclides and X-ray Production in Experiments with a High-Voltage Electric Discharge System, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 6, (2012), p 199
Karabut A. B., Karabut E. A., et al. Spectral and Temporal Characteristics of X-ray Emission from Metal Electrodes in a High-current Glow Discharge, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 6, (2012), p 217
Karabut A. B., Karabut E. A. Experimental Results on Excess Power, Impurity Nuclides, and X-ray Production in Experiments with a High-voltage Electric Discharge System, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 8, (2012), p 139
Karabut A. B., Karabut E. A. Research into Excited 0.6-6.0 keV Energy Levels in the Cathode Solid Medium of Glow Discharge by X-ray Spectra Emission, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 8, (2012), p 159
Karabut, A.B. Experimental Research on 0.5 т 10 keV High-Energy Process Resulting from H2 and D2 Ions Flux Interaction with Cathode Solid in Electric Discharge, 7th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen / Deuterium Loaded Metals. Asti, Italy. (2006),
Karabut, A.B. Scientific Research Project: Experimental Research And Development Of Heat Power Supply Prototype Based On High-Energy Processes In Solid Medium Interacting With Hydrogen Ions Flux, 7th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen / Deuterium Loaded Metals. Asti, Italy. (2006),
Karabut, A.B. Analysis of Experimental Results on Excess Heat Power Production, Impurity Nuclides Yield in the Cathode Material and Penetrating Radiation in Experiments with High-Current Glow Discharge, Proc. ICCF8 (2000),
Karabut, A.B. X-ray emission in the high-current glow discharge experiments, Proc. ICCF9 (2002),
Karabut, A.B. Experimental Research Into Secondary Penetrating Radiation When Interacting X-Ray Beams Of Solid Laser With Various Materials Targets, Proc. ICCF10 (2003),
Karabut, A.B. Production Of Excess Heat, Impurity Elements And Unnatural Isotopic Ratios Formed At Excited Long-Lived Atomic Levels With Energy Of More Than 1 keV In A Solid Cathode Medium During High-Current Glow Discharge
Proc. ICCF10 (2003),Karabut, A.B. Excess Heat Production In Pd/D During Periodic Pulse Discharge Current Of Various Conditions, Proc. ICCF11 (2004),
Karabut, A.B. Research Into Characteristics Of X-Ray Emission Laser Beams From Solid-State Cathode Medium Of High-Current Glow Discharge
, Proc. ICCF11 (2004),Karabut, A.B. Excess heat power, nuclear products and X-ray emission in relation to the high current glow discharge experimental parameters
Karabut, A.B. and S.A. Kolomeychenko. Experimental Research into Characteristics of X-ray Emission from Solid-state Cathode Medium of High-current Glow Discharge, Proc. ICCF10 (2003),
Karabut, A.B., Y.R. Kucherov, and I.B. Savvatimova Nuclear product ratio for glow discharge in deuterium
Karabut, A.B., Y.R. Kucherov, and I.B. Savvatimova. Possible Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms at Glow Discharge in Deuterium
Karabut A. “Research into Energy and Temporal Characteristics of X-ray Emission from Solid State Cathode Medium of High-Current Glow Discharge”: http://www.iscmns.org/iccf12/Karabut_2.pdf, Proc. ICCF12 (2005),Karabut A. Research into Low Energy Nuclear Reactions in Cathode Sample Solid with Production of Excess Heat, Stable and Radioactive Impurity Nuclides, Proc. ICCF12 (2005), www.iscmns.org/iccf12/Karabut_1.pdf
Karabut A., Karabut E. Electric and Heat Measurements in High Voltage Electrolysis Cell Experiments, Proc. ICCF14 1, (2008), p 169 www.iscmns.org/iccf14/ProcICCF14a.pdf
Karabut A., Karabut E. “Research into Spectra of X-ray Emission from Solid Cathode Medium During and After High Current Glow Discharge Operation, Proc. ICCF14 1, (2008), p 362 www.iscmns.org/iccf14/ProcICCF14a.pdf
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