• July 25, 2024 Strasbourg, France — The International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ISCMNS) and Société Française de la Science Nucléaire dans la Matière Condensée (SFSNMC) are announcing two upcoming events that will report on the current state of research and development in Hydrogen Metal Energy and Solid State Fusion.

    • The 16th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals IWAHM16 visit in Strasbourg, France from 1 to 4 September 2024, organized by the SFSNMC and the ISCMNS along with Anthropocene Institute and Clean Planet support.

    • Conference at the European Parliament on 5 September 2024 organized by CleanHME project visit, University of Szczecin and SFSNMC with the support of the European Union.

    These international conferences will discuss the latest worldwide research carried out on Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), an emerging branch of science that involves the basic components of the atom (protons, neutrons and electrons) and how they react within metals in ways very different and energetically advantageous that were unforseen up until a few decades ago.

    Following an initial discovery by professors Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann in 1989, 35 years of research in several countries delivered results showing that it will soon be possible to produce clean energy from abundant hydrogen using a technology that is distributed and scalable. At the same time, this new science is opening doors to many other applications.

    In the past four years, the European Union has been funding two research projects on this theme under the “Horizon 2020” European Innovation Council programme: the HERMES and CleanHME projects, for a total amount of 10 million euros. The latter brings together 16 companies and laboratories from all over Europe, and will end in January 2025. The four years of research has already achieved results in heat production, experiments with particle accelerator beams, and LENR theory development.

    In particular, CleanHME has confirmed it is possible to produce clean zero-carbon energy from abundant materials such as nickel, copper and hydrogen. The Polish University of Szczecin, under the leadership of Professor Konrad Czerski and CleanHME, successfully organized the 25th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF25) in 2023 to disseminate these important results.

    CleanHME allows Europe to join the group of countries in the world, like Japan and the United States, investing in this research. India, China, and Russia are also proceeding in this direction, albeit in a more discreet way. In Japan, universities have been working on this theme since the discovery of LENR in 1989. Progress has been steady, and today it is on the verge of success. Several start-ups are working on the subject, in particular the company Clean Planet, which is cooperating with boiler manufacturer Miura to develop a technology based on nickel-copper nanolayers to host the hydrogen atmosphere.

    In the United States, the Department of Energy launched a $10 million research program in 2023 to support 8 LENR projects. Recently, Google invested $30 million in the same spirit. The start-up Brillouin Energy is developing a reactor with a view to commercialization.

    Funding for follow-up Eurepean Union projects is crucial to further develop this innovative approach in order to limit detrimental climate change, as underlined in a recent NASA foresight report (“LENR [can] affordably solve climate problems”).
    Today, clean energy comes from renewables, but often needs the support of other sources to compensate for power variability. Nuclear energy plants can supply baseload energy, but their use is not accepted in all countries. Large-scale thermonuclear fusion facilities are in development to tame the energy coming from the fusion of hydrogen atoms powering the sun, but they are far from producing useful energy.
    Hydrogen Metal Energy is simpler, cheaper, and cleaner than conventional alternative solutions. Parallel efforts are developing this science into a technology all over the world, promising power from the hydrogen in water with no radioactive materials or hazardous waste, while using cheap and environmentally benign metals.
    For more information on this research, see the large body of papers available at https://lenorg. Search data archives with https://lenrbot.com

    Members of the press, please contact:
    Jean-Paul Biberian Tel: + 33 660 14 04 85
    Email: jpbiberian@yahoo.fr, sfsnmc@gmail.com
    Alan Smith : Tel +44 79 44 847 870
    Email : lubetkin1934@yahoo.co.uk


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